Monday 14 May 2007

Well our one day off in the UK was not spent lazing round drinking beer and playing Playstation. No sireee!

It was spent drinking beer, playing Playstation and shooting our new music video for our single, Sometimes, which is looking damn cool! It was the idea of a mad person in England called Scott and his mad production company called Jabula Productions. He pitched this idea over an email a while back but noone really took it that seriously. Well it turned out to be very serious and Scott, even though is a complete loon, is a hell of a guy and made us a damn cool video. It should be finished by the end of the week and we will be courriering it back to SA so we can get it onto TV asap! There has also been a request from a UK television MTV-type station (but not MTV) so we will be submitting this video in the hope of getting a little airtime over here.

It is in a similar vain to our Tracy video but much much better. If you can figure out how we made it, we will be very surprised! So keep your banana's open.

So before i left SA, i had designed and manufactured authentic looking giant letters from the Queen of England! This was spectacularly done by super duper friend of Cassette, Lisa Walters. These letters were then written and addressed to Jo Whiley, celebrity music journalist in Britain and a radio DJ from Radio One. Here is an extract from on of the letters...

"So there I was, chilling in the Jacuzzi in my Tahiti beach flat with Nelson Mandela recently, and talking about music. Being a lover of hip-hop myself I never really listen to that “Rock And Roll” business. However Nelson started to speak on and on and on and on about this rock band in South Africa called Cassette." etc etc... you can see where this is going.

We are trying to drum up some interest to the media in the UK inviting them to our last gig at the end of the tour in London, at the Cobden Club, Nottinghill (29 May). So the first letter from the Queen has been hand delivered to BBC One. Keep your fingers crossed ... um .... unless she goes to our site, reads this and then the joke is over and i have ruined everything. Of course that is highly likely.

Today was spent unsuccesfully trying to find a new suit because there is no way my suit is going to last this whole tour. I didn't find anything so really, you have wasted your time reading this paragraph.

Nathan bought our trailer today which is great news - it's going to make the rest of our journey a lot more comfortable! Tomorrow we go to Europe. And we go on a ferry. Very exciting. Keep posted. Also keep checking in on our video diary stuff....

Take care.

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