Friday, 18 May 2007

Eish. Eish. Eish.

So you will see from the pictures that the wheels have finally come off ... and I'm not talking about our Cassette Cuervo/1Time sponsored van - I'm talking about the Cassette members.

Alright but we will come back to that just now. First some catching up. Sorry about general quietness but Internet access has not been as easy as one would think.

So rewinding a day or two. We played at a really amazing small and legendary club called Cafe De Libertas in Leuwen, Belgium on Thursday. We had a nice gig and it felt really personal. Even though the club was packed to the rafters, the stage is small and everyone stands very close us. We also played two sets which is something we haven't done for a while. A chilled down set and then a rock sock set. The Belgians are a very interesting group ... they don't dance, they sit and listen very intently and are very responsive. The place started to get a bit rowdy during Mondays and from then on I think on it got better and better. The overall feedback was that we did good! There were some very important people in the audience and we hope that we impressed them - but we will apparently know our fate in the next 2 weeks.

The owner of the club (he has been the owner for 26 years) is this madly cool and brilliant guy called Ricky! He treated us to some fast-food delicacies from the area and wouldn't stop giving us beer until our arses were leaking it. Stella Artois is made in Leuwen so when we discovered that, it was all over for us. I was the only sober one though and I had to drive for the first time on the right hand side of the road in the night. I thought I was doing ok but because it was my first time, the backseat driving that was going on was like a flippin kindergarten porn party. We have this digital satellite GPS computer system that tells us where to go but it speaks out loud in Deutsch. Yes. So we only know half of what it's telling us to do. It also gets very angry when we don't take the turns it tells us to.

And that was Belgium. We got to Zierekzee, Holland, at 5:30am and slept most of the day. And then last night we played there in a place called Cafe De Vlinder.

Now let me tell you about Zierekzee. Think 'The Truman Show." Everyone smiles and greets you, everyone rides bikes, everything is 2 minutes walk. The people who live there are born there, live there until they get old enough to move up the road to the Old Age home where they live forever more. So it's a very happy and peaceful town. That is, of course, until Cassette arrived last night.

The evening started off well with a short photo shoot with our completely insane and legendary madman friend, Pascal. The guy is a certified loon. He buys everyone anything all the time and drives a jag (the one we are in the pictures above). He incites craziness and there is not enough space on the world wide web to tell you even some of the stories about this guy. Anyway we played a killer gig and the audience went wild for us. Of course Pascal stage dived into the unsuspecting audience and that was great.

We have also been entered into the Guinness Book Of Records for the first and only gig ever, where the drummer of a band actually drew money from an ATM whlie doing a one-handed drum solo. This we did live onstage and took about 15 minutes to get right with a riotous audience cheering him. Why the fuck there is an ATM on the stage is beyond me. But that's Zierekzee for you. Apparently we were lucky that people didn't come on to the stage to draw money during our gig.

But this is ony the start of the story. We were staying at our fantastic and fabulous friends Tanya and Brian who were only 4 minutes walking distance down the road so this was an excuse to lose it. We were told by the venue that drinks are free for the band ... at the beginning of the evening. They got very angry though because most bands drink a maximum of 70 Euros worth of drinks so that is what they expect. The closed our tab at 175 Euros and we had to pay in the difference from our door money.

Andrew got fully changed into one fans clothing (pictured above). Pascal got naked in a room full of people and stuck his cock onto Marc's head (thankfully not pictured above). I spilled red wine all over my suit (not fun) and also on Tanya and Brians 20 year old carpet thoroughly ruining both. Nathan and Leon decided to have a business chat (while thoroughly trashed) and everyone got into a big fight and Leon quit. Jane took one look at the chaos and went to bed! Clever girl.

We love eachother again today though. Sitting in fantastic Amsterdam right now. Great stage. Great venue. Life is good.

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