Wednesday 16 May 2007

Well if there is one thing that makes Belgium a really spectacular place - it's that they have the same plugs as us in South Africa which makes life a kak load easier. And not only the thing with the plugs, its a great country.

So we have been a little quiet as access to the internet has been difficult to find. We jumped onto a ferry at the last possible moment - when we arrived there we were told that we had 4 minutes to get our passports checked and get onto the ferry! An exciting ferry ride later we landed in Belgium. And proceded to drive on the wrong side of the road. That was the moment I've been waiting for. To see how it all works. But nobody flinched and suddenly we were driving on the right hand side. Im a nerd and i thought it was cool.

Then we drove through Belgium and into Holland where we stayed the night at a friend of Leon called Brian. All the houses look like plastic Fischer Price toys and everyone is very friendly and ride bikes everywhere. Brian has this crazy cool music collection of European bands that obviously noone has ever heard of but are big over here. This was really scary hearing these UNBELIEVABLE bands that are huge in Holland. There is a serious music scene here and we are just small eggs in a large basket (of eggs). We stayed up till 4AM drinking Dutch beer and listening to these crazy bands and watching the cat spin around on top of the record player for hours. This never stopped being funny. And i mean ever. In fact just thinking about ... hehehe.

We just arrived in Leuwen, Belgium. Im sitting at the table on the street pictured above in a really hip part of town. This place is just so damn cool. It's a student town and it feels exactly like what the centre of the hip music scene should feel like. Really looking forward to playing tonight. It's quite an important gig for us because the organizer of Pukkelpop (one of the giant European festivals) is coming to see us tonight to consider for this years festival.

A man is playing acoustic guitar in my face right now. He is an old man and i think he wants money. I am ignoring him and now he is singing (this is a technique I perfected in Joburg). Actually he's really sweet and we just gave him 2 Euros. ... Holy shit. Thats R20! Hold on, got to get it back. Jane says no.

As i was saying, Leuwen. Tonight we drive back Zierekzee, which is a tiny quaint Island village further North. It's dead clean. Everyone smiles. There are signs telling you to pick up your dog shit and even little packets are put into boxes to assist you with this. A megagiant slab of chocolate costs 1 Euro and you can buy golf clubs in the Supermarket in the cereal isle. The bakeries smell delicious but they only sell pork and ham and they have no fucking idea what I am saying. But we just figured out that Afrikaans and Dutch are basically the same. So things are easier now. I wish I'd figured this out earlier. This morning i asked what i could put on my bread roll? The woman shrugged and Jane thought she meant "anything your little heart desires" but she really meant "Can't understand a flippin word Im afraid". So after listing all the delicious things i wanted I eventually got a plane roll.

By the way we just had our world tour t-shirts made and they rock!

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