Wednesday 9 May 2007

Just arrived in London on our tour!

Holy Becrap!

That was a freaking long trip. From our doorsteps in Joburg to our first sleeping quarters in London took 24 hours, including a 3 hour stop in Dubai. We arrived broken men and women!

Well here we are. Starting our first blog with many video clips and other interesting stuff to come. Keep your eyes coming back to this page if you are interested in that sort of this.

Meanwhile our first gig is this evening at the legendary Half Moon in Putney. Where is that you may ask? No fucking idea.

But needless to say we are excited and nervous.

Meanwhile as our first present to you, we have posted our ridiculous take off of Guns N roses on youtube and the hit counter is taking a beating. go to you tube and type "playcassette guns" in the search engine.

Over but not out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your guys are cool man......... keep it up....we are proud of you...